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10:15 AM - 11:00 AM: How to Get USPTO Examiners to Pay Attention to Your Case 11:15 AM - 12:00 Noon: Deconstructing Claim Construction: Venue, Jurisdiction, and Other Issues in Construing Claim Terms...
10:15 am - 11am: Abitron v. Hetronic – International Branding and Enforcement Considerations 11:15 am - 12pm: Bright - Data Ownership and Authorship...
Fonts, Photos, and Fashion: An exploration of copyright separability and eligibility in the context of various art forms, including fashion, body art, and social media content...
2:15pm - 3pm: Unified Patent Court - How Is It Going?; 3:15pm - 4pm: Design Law...
2:15pm-3pm: Trademarks, Upcycling, and Reuse; 3:15pm-4pm: Trademarks/On-Line Counterfeit Enforcement...
2:15pm - 4pm: Advanced Drafting Workshop; How Do AI Tools Fit Into My Practice?...
4pm - 5pm: Best Practices For Evaluating “Comparable” Licenses, and Getting the Discovery to Do So...
10:15am - 11am: Section 101 Cast Law and Legislation Update; 11:15am - 12pm: Inequitable Conduct Case Law Update...
10:15am-11am: The FTC - Why Do I Have to Learn About That!?; 11:15am-12pm: Trademark and the FTC’s Guidelines - If It’s Not Green, Don’t Claim It Is...
2:15pm-3pm: Overview of March-In Rights Under the Bayh-Dole Act and Current Policy Activities Relating to Exercise of March-In Rights; 3:15pm-4pm: Status of Patent Harmonization - What would you do...
2:15pm-3pm: The European Data Act; 3:15pm-4pm: Power Play: The Strategic Use of Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Litigation...
2:15pm - 4pm: Securing IP Rights for Employee-Created IP in Remote Settings...
4pm-5pm: Ex Parte Appeals...